Monday, February 13, 2012

What is the purpose of LGD Roundtable?

A couple of different purposes:

1) People ask us (myself and Dorothy) about treatment and testing options and we wanted to have a simple url we could direct people to which would have that info.

2) We have spent the past 16 months researching in order to treat ourselves for MCS and we wanted a good place to link and reference all of the excellent research and contacts we have discovered. There is so much out there, but we want to be able to easily reference the best and most relevant things we have found.

3) We'd love to have a community of patients, doctors and researchers coalesce around this topic, so that treatment and research can continue to go forward. We've seen and become a part of some fantastic online communities (we'll list and link to each of them in a later post), but none that looks at the problem from this angle. Each disease has its own community or several communities, as do several treatment protocols, but noone seems to be grouping them together and from our research it seems like there could be tremendous power in sharing resources and research across several different disease which are LGD.

4) Our work is in mobile apps and online learning applications (eLearning). We work with Fortune 500 clients and large non-profits to create simulations for learning and we thought why not create a simulation of the body and what is happening bio-chemically with Low Glutathione Diseases and then share that. It'd make it easier for those suffering from these diseases to understand what is happening in their own bodies and it could help people educate their own doctors.

We also know from our work with clients that people often mistakenly disagree or agree on something, but when they see an actual simulation of the situtaion or process they are better able clarify what their disagreements are specifically or they find out they actually agreed all along. It's a bold hope, but we hope that by modeling these physical systems and processes with visual, interactive simulations we might be able to help scientists, doctors and researchers to clarify what we know, don't know and disagree about regarding how Low Glutathione Diseases work.

This blog will be a place we share those interactive simulations and visual representations of the underlying physical systems affected by LGDs.

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